12#include <RobotsIO/Camera/iCubCameraDepth.h>
15#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
16#include <opencv2/core/eigen.hpp>
17#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
20using namespace RobotsIO::Camera;
25 const std::string& robot_name,
26 const std::string& port_prefix,
27 const bool& use_calibration,
28 const std::string& calibration_path
38 const std::string& data_path_left,
39 const std::string& data_path_right,
40 const std::size_t& width,
41 const std::size_t& height,
50 const bool& load_encoders_data,
51 const bool& use_calibration,
52 const std::string& calibration_path
54 iCubCameraRelative(data_path_left, data_path_right, width, height, fx_l, cx_l, fy_l, cy_l, fx_r, cx_r, fy_r, cy_r, load_encoders_data, use_calibration, calibration_path)
74 bool valid_rgb =
77 std::tie(valid_rgb, rgb_left) = get_relative_camera().rgb(blocking);
79 return std::make_pair(
false, MatrixXf());
82 std::tie(valid_rgb, rgb_right) = iCubCameraRelative::rgb(blocking);
84 return std::make_pair(
false, MatrixXf());
87 bool valid_pose =
88 Transform<double, 3, Affine> pose;
91 return std::make_pair(
false, MatrixXf());
93 pose = pose.inverse();
96 MatrixXd translation = pose.translation();
99 cv::eigen2cv(translation, t);
100 cv::eigen2cv(pose.rotation(), R);
108 cv::stereoRectify(intrinsic_left_, distortion_left_,
109 intrinsic_right_, distortion_right_,
112 R1, R2, P1, P2, Q, -1);
118 cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsic_left_, distortion_left_, R1, P1, rgb_left.size(), CV_32FC1, mapl0, mapl1);
119 cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsic_right_, distortion_right_, R2, P2, rgb_left.size(), CV_32FC1, mapr0, mapr1);
121 cv::Mat rgb_left_rect;
122 cv::Mat rgb_right_rect;
123 cv::remap(rgb_left, rgb_left_rect, mapl0, mapl1, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
124 cv::remap(rgb_right, rgb_right_rect, mapr0, mapr1, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
128 sgbm_->compute(rgb_left_rect, rgb_right_rect, disparity);
131 cv::Mat map(disparity.rows * disparity.cols, 1, CV_32FC2);
132 for (
int v = 0; v < disparity.rows; v++)
134 for (
int u = 0; u < disparity.cols; u++)
136 map.ptr<
float>(v * disparity.cols + u)[0] =
137 map.ptr<
float>(v * disparity.cols + u)[1] =
140 cv::undistortPoints(map, map, intrinsic_left_, distortion_left_, R1, P1);
143 float q_00 = float(Q.at<
double>(0, 0));
144 float q_03 = float(Q.at<
double>(0, 3));
145 float q_11 = float(Q.at<
double>(1, 1));
146 float q_13 = float(Q.at<
double>(1, 3));
147 float q_23 = float(Q.at<
double>(2, 3));
148 float q_32 = float(Q.at<
double>(3, 2));
149 float q_33 = float(Q.at<
double>(3, 3));
150 float r_02 = float(R1.at<
double>(0, 2));
151 float r_12 = float(R1.at<
double>(1, 2));
152 float r_22 = float(R1.at<
double>(2, 2));
155 MatrixXf
depth(rgb_left.rows, rgb_left.cols);
157 for (
int v = 0; v < rgb_left.rows; v++)
158 for (
int u = 0; u < rgb_left.cols; u++)
161 float u_map = map.ptr<
float>(v * disparity.cols + u)[0];
162 float v_map = map.ptr<
float>(v * disparity.cols + u)[1];
165 int u_r = cvRound(u_map);
166 int v_r = cvRound(v_map);
168 if ((u_r < 0) || (u_r >= disparity.cols) || (v_r < 0) || ( v_r >= disparity.rows))
170 depth(v, u) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
175 float disparity_value = disparity.at<
short>(v_r, u_r) / 16.0;
178 depth(v, u) = (r_02 * (float(u_r) * q_00 + q_03) + r_12 * (
float(v_r) * q_11 + q_13) + r_22 * q_23) / (disparity_value * q_32 + q_33);
181 return std::make_pair(
185std::pair<bool, Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine>> iCubCameraDepth::pose(
const bool& blocking)
188 return get_relative_camera().pose(blocking);
192std::pair<bool, cv::Mat> iCubCameraDepth::rgb(
const bool& blocking)
195 return get_relative_camera().rgb(blocking);
199void iCubCameraDepth::configure_sgbm()
202 bool valid_parameters =
204 std::tie(valid_parameters, parameters_left) = get_relative_camera().parameters();
205 if (!valid_parameters)
207 throw(std::runtime_error(log_name_ +
"::configure_sgbm. Error: cannot get intrinsic parameters of left camera."));
210 valid_parameters =
212 std::tie(valid_parameters, parameters_right) = parameters();
213 if (!valid_parameters)
215 throw(std::runtime_error(log_name_ +
"::configure_sgbm. Error: cannot get intrinsic parameters of right camera."));
220 intrinsic_left_ = cv::Mat::eye(3,3,CV_64FC1);
221 intrinsic_left_.at<
double>(0,0) = parameters_left.fx();
222 intrinsic_left_.at<
double>(0,2) = parameters_left.cx();
223 intrinsic_left_.at<
double>(1,1) = parameters_left.fy();
224 intrinsic_left_.at<
double>(1,2) = parameters_left.cy();
226 intrinsic_right_ = cv::Mat::eye(3,3,CV_64FC1);
227 intrinsic_right_.at<
double>(0,0) = parameters_right.fx();
228 intrinsic_right_.at<
double>(0,2) = parameters_right.cx();
229 intrinsic_right_.at<
double>(1,1) = parameters_right.fy();
230 intrinsic_right_.at<
double>(1,2) = parameters_right.cy();
234 distortion_left_ = cv::Mat::zeros(1,8,CV_64FC1);
235 distortion_left_.at<
double>(0,0) = 0.0;
236 distortion_left_.at<
double>(0,1) = 0.0;
237 distortion_left_.at<
double>(0,2) = 0.0;
238 distortion_left_.at<
double>(0,3) = 0.0;
240 distortion_right_ = cv::Mat::zeros(1,8,CV_64FC1);
241 distortion_right_.at<
double>(0,0) = 0.0;
242 distortion_right_.at<
double>(0,1) = 0.0;
243 distortion_right_.at<
double>(0,2) = 0.0;
244 distortion_right_.at<
double>(0,3) = 0.0;
247 sgbm_ = cv::StereoSGBM::create(min_disparity_, number_of_disparities_, block_size_, 8 * 3 * block_size_ * block_size_, 32 * 3 * block_size_ * block_size_, disp_12_max_diff_, pre_filter_cap_, uniqueness_ratio_, speckle_window_size_, speckle_range_, cv::StereoSGBM::MODE_HH);
virtual std::pair< bool, Eigen::MatrixXd > deprojection_matrix() const
std::pair< bool, Eigen::MatrixXd > deprojection_matrix() const override
std::pair< bool, Eigen::MatrixXf > depth(const bool &blocking) override
std::pair< bool, Eigen::Transform< double, 3, Eigen::Affine > > pose(const bool &blocking) override